Web Application Exploiter WAppEx 2.0


WAppEx is an integrated Web Application security assessment and exploitation platform designed with the whole spectrum of security professionals to web application hobbyists in mind. It suggests a security assessment model which revolves around an extensible exploit database. Further, it complements the power with various tools required to perform all stages of a web application attack.

Updates in 2.0

  • Auto-detect feature deleted from exploits
  • Browser tool deleted
  • Exploits and payloads view changed
  • Exploit Database with the following features added:
  • New script syntax and structure
  • Searching, selecting, and executing of exploits.
  • Add/remove database entries (exploits or payloads)
  • Add exploits or payloads to the database using either the Exploit Wizard or the script file
  • Batch testing of multiple targets against multiple exploits
  • Execute multiple instances of one or more payloads (for every running exploit) simultaneously.
  • Following tools added:
  • Manual Request
  • Dork Finder
  • Exploit Editor
  • Hidden File Checker
  • Neighbor Site Finder
  • Local File Inclusion analyzer script updated
  • 24 new payloads for LFI, RFI, and PHP Code Execution vulnerabilities added:
  • Directory Explorer
  • CodeExec Bind
  • 3 connect-back shells
  • Code Execution
  • MySQL Dump
  • ServerInfo
  • 4 command execution payloads
  • Bug-fixes:
  • Find Login Page crashed on start
  • Problem with software registration
  • Stop button did not work when retrieving data from SQL server
  • Problem with saving SQL results
  • Crashed when closing Find Login Page
  • Status icons were not displayed properly in exploit tabs

The full list features is as below:

  • An exploit database covering a wide range of vulnerabilities.
  • A set of tools useful for penetration testing:
  • Manual Request
  • Dork Finder
  • Exploit Editor
  • Hidden File Checker
  • Neighbor Site Finder
  • Find Login Page
  • Online Hash Cracker
  • Encoder/Decoder
  • Execute multiple instances of one or more exploits simultaneously.
  • Execute multiple instances of one or more payloads (for every running exploit) simultaneously.
  • Test a list of target URL’s against a number of selected exploits.
  • Allows you to create your own exploits and payloads and share them online.
  • A number of featured exploits (6) and payloads (39) bundled within the software exploit database:
  • Testing and exploiting of Local File Inclusion vulnerabilities
  • Testing and exploiting of Local File Disclosure vulnerabilities
  • Testing and exploiting of Remote File Inclusion vulnerabilities
  • Testing and exploiting of SQL Injection vulnerabilities
  • Testing and exploiting of Remote Command Execution Inclusion vulnerabilities
  • Testing and exploiting of Server-side Code Injection vulnerabilities

The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking and Cracking: Hack Before You Get Cracked


The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking and Cracking
Hack Before You Get Cracked

This book serves as a complete reference for information security including IT security, data security, network security, internet security, penetration testing, cryptography and laws governing the industry

The book describes the tools and penetration testing methodologies used by ethical hackers, and provides a discussion of what and who an ethical hacker is and what role he plays in protecting corporate and government data from cyber attacks
It also offers an understanding of how to effectively protect data and computer networks
Finally, it presents the subject in a simplified manner so that even a beginner dealing in a security environment understands and implements information security at personal and corporate levels

[ Must Read This Book ... If You Want To Become A Good Ethical Hacker ]
"The Unrevealed Secrets of Hacking & Cracking" at an affordable price. Grab your copies now ....!!!!

Art Of Spectral Pentration Testing By James Codis


Art Of Spectral Pentration Testing By James Codis

This book will help you a lot for understanding Hacking concepts...This book will cover following topics in it...
  • Advanced Scanning of Remote system
  • Various Source codes
  • Web Application attacks
  • Virus Analysis n Many more...

Havij_v1.16_Pro Cracked Version


Havij_v1.16_Pro Cracked Version

Havij is an automated SQL Injection tool that helps penetration testers to find and exploit SQL Injection vulnerabilities on a web page.

It can take advantage of a vulnerable web application. By using this software user can perform back-end database fingerprint, retrieve DBMS users and password hashes, dump tables and columns, fetching data from the database, running SQL statements and even accessing the underlying file system and executing commands on the operating system.

The power of Havij that makes it different from similar tools is its injection methods. The success rate is more than 95% at injectiong vulnerable targets using Havij.

The user friendly GUI (Graphical User Interface) of Havij and automated settings and detections makes it easy to use for everyone even amateur users.

Download From  ==>  Mediafire

Password:- ehacking-n-security


An Introduction To Keyloggers, RATS And Malware


An Introduction To Keyloggers, RATS And Malware

"An Introduction To Keyloggers, RATS And Malware" written by Rafay Baloch. The book is completly dedicated to newbies who are looking forward to play with keyloggers, Rats and various other forms of malware or are curious to know how they can protect their PC's from getting infected with Trojan, worms and other forms of viruses.

The book takes you right from the beginning from basics to some advanced types of attacks too, In this book I have also reviewed various types of best keyloggers out there so you can find it easier to to choose the best one according to your needs.

By reading this e-book I am very confident that you will be able to protect your computer from most of these types of attacks.

Download From Here


Download From  ==>  Mediafire